Friday, October 28, 2016

My favorite Holiday.

My favorite holiday is Christmas  eve because I can have my family and enjoy. The hall day with but most of one of my cousins I love her like if she was my sister because.  We  was born different year but I still love her and when is Christmas we always singing  our favorite music or we just make . We  just post  and  we just go to social media and wish them all the people a merry Christmas and them just go. Play with other cousins and we always have fun when we are all together or just dance and play just dance 2014 or other games and when is 12:00  of  night. We all open our presents and them some of my family stay in. My house is why that is my favorite holiday because I can be with my family  and spend with time with my cousins  have fun.

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Places that i want to visit

The place I would want to be at is Cancun, Mexico because  it looks beautiful in the pictures  the weather is perfect to be out side and  even you can and swim  in their what ever you. Want they  have a hotel have a beautiful view to see. You can   See the  ocean and other things like hotels people walking. And maybe  see the sun rise up. Or going down  and maybe you have to change  to play soccer and their. Or you came and  spent time with you family  and that's the place that I want to visit when I grow up.